Thursday 31 May 2012

Holy Cow!!! More than just beef!

The morning of 31st May was a bit unusual than the other working days, as we had a holiday in the office following "Bandh", in opposition to the rise in soaring prices of petrol in India. Really, this jump of Rs. 7.50 in the petrol price is gonna affect the lives of the densely-populated middle class in an adverse way. So, irrespective of the political game, i decided to support the "bandh" and was happy that the office management was also supporting this decision. But this is not about the rising petrol prices as by now, most of the readers would be cooked up reading N no.of articles and blogs on it.

What caught my eye as i got up and took the newspaper in hand was the front page news published in DNA newspaper, which read, " Holy Cow! India to be largest beef exporter" (Ref : )

In the land of the Vedas, where cows were considered wealth, it is not just shocking, but also disheartening  to read such news. Where Indians are not able to get adequate amount of pure cow milk and cow milk products, India would be exporting an estimated 1.5 million tonnes of beef in 2012. And these are the figures that would be exported, barring the amount of beef consumed locally. Though the article clearly states that "slaughter of cows and milk-producing buffaloes is banned under Indian Law", the world is fully aware of the execution of laws in India, where even the most corrupt are set free (No offences meant to disgrace the judicial system, sadly enough, this is the truth that every Indian lives with, day in and day out), but a raid on any slaughter house will show the actual no.of cows being slaughtered merely for the sake of meat.

There had been arguments that animals are meant for human consumption, but no.of reports have actually proved that animal meat increases the risk of cholesterol in the human body more than anything else. Also the amount of nutrition that we get from vegetables and fruits are much higher as compared to meat. Since meat is hard to digest, it increases pressure on our digestive system thus leaving us with weakness in the later years of life. But still, i do not oppose people from eating meat as it is purely their own choice.

Cows had been considered as Holy in the Hindu religious texts since times immemorial. It was not too long ago when cows were considered as wealth, and cattle raising was not a burden, but was considered duty by the youth of India. It was only after the foreign invasion that we forgot the importance of cow in our lives. Under the influence of mughals, followed by the british and now because of blind following of the western world, we have not started killing our "Holy Mother" but also selling its meat all across.

Many people would argue, " what to do with the cows who don't produce milk any more?? They are simply feeding grass and are difficult to take care of. So why not slaughter them and make some money out of their flesh???" To them, i would ask, "When your mother grows old, and will seek medication, will occupy a corner of your household, will you kill her and sell her flesh???" No need to mention what the obvious answer would be.

As far as preservation of cows is concerned, i had seen the best optimisation of cows at Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu Ashram at Ahmedabad and various other branches. They preserve thousands of cows in the stable, what is called as "Gou-Shala" in hindi. Hardly 20 % of the cows in these gou-shala's are milk producing, yet these gou-shala's run without accepting a single penny as donation. Rather the entire cost is covered by the by-products of cows namely Cow Urine (Gou-Mutra) and Cow Dung (Gobar). They produce various types of items made by these products and sell it, thus, cows recover the cost of Gou-Shala by themselves. Some of the products are :

1) Gou Zaran : It consists cow urine mixed with some ayurvedic medicines. Its consumption helps in getting rid of various diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Jaundice, Cough related diseases, headaches, and so on. Also, the same is available in tablet form.

2) Gou Sewa Dhoop Sticks : The dhoop sticks made out of cow dung, creates positive energy and reduces the effect of pollution, thus keeping our environment safe and healthy.

3) Panchgavya Soaps : Soaps made out of 5 products of cows like milk, ghee, curd, urine and dung, helps in keeping skin healthy and clean. Also the freshness that one experiences is better than any other soap in the market.

4) Gou Sewa Phenyl : Again, a phenyl made out of cow urine helps in cleaning floors and destroying harmful germs more than any other phenyl.

All these products are no secret, and well-known and used by the large no.of Indians. The only reason that many people are unaware of these products is because these are never marketed.

Cow is the only animal on earth whose urine and dung are considered as sacred because according to the Vedas, cow has the capacity to absorb special type of sun-rays called as "Gou-Kiran", which no other plant or living being absorbs. It is also said that cow milk contains lesser calories than buffalo milk, and is much healthier. The same is the case with milk products such as curd, ghee, buttermilk, made up of cow milk.

A prominent step had been taken in this regards by Gujarat CM, Narendra Modi, who introduced a law in Gujarat related to prohibit killing of cows and sentencing 7 year imprisonment to those who are caught killing the cows.

For those who advocate cow slaughter by considering the economy and stating that exporting beef helps in in-flow of foreign currency, i would say, "Try using the by-products of cow. When u benefit from the same, spend some money on marketing and i am sure, when the entire world benefits from it, you will never ever have the need to kill innocent cows."

Note : This blog is not created to hurt the feelings of anybody, but to create awareness of the benefits that can be achieved by saving innocent cows.

Important Tip : For pregnant women who are advised to go for caesarean operation - Take fresh cow dung, filtrate it by squeezing it in a cloth, and serve 12-18gm of the dung juice to the pregnant lady. In case if there is still pain, repeat the procedure after 30 minutes. There will never be the need to go for operation and delivery will be normal, irrespective of what the doctor's report says.The above tip is been tried and tested by thousands of females across India and is very successful tip from the Vedas.

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